Monday, August 31, 2009

More Design

There is this fantastic art form here that will create a message while using the Arabic script and caligraphy, weave it into a nonlinear graphic art piece. This is just the label from bottled water, but there are others that incorporate philosophical messages into similar works. There are many examples of this of which I will try to capture a few pics of in the future.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Grande Mosque

This is a photo taken on the fly of the Grande Mosque in Abu Dhabi, we haven't gone in yet but plan on doing it soon. This is touted as the 4th largest in the world and can hold 40,000 people!

You'll notice a haze in a lot of the shots that is just humidity, lots of it! You can almost drink the air here.

Palms in Oman

This is a shot from the Shell gas station in the Sultanate of Oman, ( I like writing that it sounds more exotic than just Oman) I'm assuming the palms were planted and are most likely irrigated as is most of the vegetation is this area.

Cool Camel

This camel was cool and content with being trucked around.

Sultanate of Oman

Oh man ! Oman is hot ! Here I are, in the Sultanate of Oman. I became temporarily disoriented which was really bad because I was the driver of the vehicle. No worries mates,...I just need to get out and get reacquainted with my surroundings. Once that was done we got back on the road.

A Sultan is similar to a governor of a province or a region, someone who has complete sovereignity (does not depend on anyone else).

Friday, August 28, 2009

Coffee Pots

If you like bright shiny objects the way I do then take a look at this. Pictured here are two humungeous and very shiny coffee pots forming the gate to a park in the downtown area. That is Lila standing in line for a free coffee handout.


There are lots of very cool designs here, especially the architecture which is always imaginative and bold. I'll cover this more as we go along but here is some for now.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hot Hot Hot !

We thought this razor wire looked rather uninviting so what better place for a photo? It is probably protecting water or ice cubes. Note how cool and collected I look. The truth is that I am dying. The sweat is spouting out of my pores, I am totally drenched. Little tiny streams are wandering down from my forehead and soaking my pant cuffs! I can only think of getting home to lay down face first on the cool marble floor.
The shocking thing is that the real heat of the day has yet to come.

Taxi !!

Check out the excellent taxi hailing technique here, unfortunately I couldn't stand in the shade to do this. We were having no luck so we had to go to a large mall because that's where a schwack of cabs drop people off . This is a "take a cab everywhere town" and so there are queues for catching cabs. No problem for me standing in a line up, at least you know you will get one.

Very few people call a cab on the phone it costs extra, and so if you are thinking of coming here you should probably study this photo. (Lila has a "soon to be released novelette" on Abu Dhabi Cabbing,...stay tuned).

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Cresent Moon

Ramadan starts after the new moon (no moon) which is why we see the waxing cresent moon symbolized so often. In some areas they insist on actually sighting it, which can delay the event if there is cloud cover.


Ramadan, has started. This is named after the month of Ramadan according to the lunar calendar. This is the most important time of the year for followers of Islam. Fasting during the day ( no water either), extra prayers, more time for inner reflection, a time for cleansing and firming of faith. Only after the sun has set can one eat again, usually the fast is broken with some dates and water, a trip to the Mosque for some prayers and then a some more food. This is generally a quiet time but it does go late into the night.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Towel Peacock

The gal who cleaned our room was working us pretty hard for a tip. She got it with this excellent 5 star towel-peacock. I must say the birds beak was great for getting the water out of my ears after my shower!

Shisha Central

At night the Shishia pipes or Hookas come out and the sweet smell of shisha smoke sails silently. They smoke a fruit infused tobacco that is apparently quite smooth.

Yield Sign

Date Palm II

A little closer ,..... there is a lot of food there! There is the belief that one can survive indefinitely on 20 dates per day and water.

Date Palms

These date palms are everywhere, everywhere that there is a modicum of water. I've never been a real fan of dates until I was treated to some that were fresh and only partial dried - I'm a convert now!

Which direction is Mecca?

This is a poor photo but it coveys the idea. This photo was taken looking up at the ceiling of the hotel (most ceilings in most hotels are similar). Here you can sort of see the arrow on the disc which is pointing to Mecca.

When prayer time rolls around (5 times a day) you can look up and make sure that you and you prayer mat are facing the right way.

Dogs on the lawn

This is kinda the classic dumb-shot-from-the-hotel-room, however the reason I took it was because there are two dogs down on the lawn. Dogs on the lawn is not a big deal in North America, but here dogs are despised and seen as unclean and are not kept as pets. The belief is they bring bad omens upon a household.

Anyway these 2 free roaming pooches were looking to cool off and just seconds before were both standing in the sprinklers chillin'.

Hilton courtyard

This is not the oasis, but it did serve as one for us, this is the enclosed court yard looking down from the 5th floor. in the Al Ain Hilton. This is where a lot of business is done over absolutley amazing coffee and sweet smelling cigarettes.

Al Ain Oasis

The outfit that hired Lila sent all of the teachers and family members to Al Ain for a three day orientation. Al Ain is a genuine oasis in the desert, really cool (poor choice of words but I think you get the drift,.... like sand you know ,...... someone stop me please).

I digress.

Arabian hospitality is amazing, they put us up in this 5 star hotel, amazing buffets 3 times a day with tons of vegetarian choices.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Lila on the shores of Abu Dhabi

This is one of the excellent beachs right in town. Across the water you can see the Theatre or auditorium which has often been mistaken for an observatory.

The Arabian Gulf

It's official, we are IN the Arabian Gulf.

HELLO ! Abu Dhabi !

Bagged from jet lag.
Lila actively working on her jet lag issues.

Dove in Niagra Falls

Me Too.

Forget the rain coats they should just hand out shampoo.

I'm OK now.

"I think I kinda liked that."


The mist didn't miss this Ms.

Keep it dry.

This is a shot done through the rain jackets we were wearing while on the Maid of the Mist.

Close up and personal - Niagra Falls

We are on the Maid of the Mist now and things are getting misty.

Legend of the Barge

The story is that this barge was being towed and there were three people working on it. The tow cable snapped and they started drifting toward the falls which are just to the left in this shot. One guy jumped in and swam to shore. The other two didn't feel that brave but were well aware of the proximity of the edge of the falls. In a moment of brilliance they opened the doors (or the bilge or something that was keeping water out) where upon it took on water and became grounded on the rocks. Just in time as I would estimate they probably were about 30 seconds from the edge.

Maid of the Mist

There is where we will soon be - aboard the Maid of the Mist . ARRH maties! (you can see her at the base of the falls)


August 4 2009
We ( and 20 others) missed the connecting flight to the UAE so we had a few extra days to chill. It was a hot day so what better to do than be a tourist. Niagra Falls here we come.

The feeling coming up to this was that someone had pulled the plug and the lakes were draining out.

Tearful Goodbye

Norah was so sweet here, she immediately offered emotional support and when that seemed to have a limited effect she offered some of her raisins.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Luc and Norah.

Norah showing us her "stuff" at the playground.

Some rare quiet time. It must be the influence of the very serene Pooh characters.

New Friends

Norah and Annie picked us up at the ferry terminal in Vancouver. Norah was introduced to a raft of newly aquired friends that traveled over with us from the island. (pun intended)

Shadows on the ferry

Finally we really get to relax for a bit on the ferry ride over to Vancouver. We catch our plane in a day or two so we will get to hang out with Luc and Annie and Norah ( Boo-boo-skankars)

This guy was the only one who turned up to say goodbye. For a minute there I thought we had already arrived at our destination. No, they grow them big in BC

Lila after a grueling marathon of selling almost everything including beds and vehicle and paper clips. We did it !!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Here's where it all starts.

Well here we go! This is the first of many postings you will get to enjoy while you keep up with what is going on for us. Essentially about 2 months ago while Lila was looking for work she stumbled upon a web site that was hiring teachers in the United Arab Emirates.

The deciding factor in all of this was while surfing the web in the upstairs computer room Lila hollered down to me. "Do you want to go live overseas?" Of course I have pretty much one thing on my mind so I thought she said "do you want another slice of cheese?" so of course I said yes.

Next thing I know we are on our way to the Middle East.